"Misfortunates" win in Cannes

At the Cannes film festival the Flemish movie "De helaasheid der dingen" by Felix van Groeningen has won the Prix Art et Essai.
The film tells the tale of 13-year-old Gunther, who lives with his father and three uncles. Gunther sees how his family waste time, drink themselves into oblivion and "pull birds".
The film is based on the novel "The Misfortunates" by Dimitri Verhulst.

Gilda De Bal, Johan Heldenbergh, Kenneth Vanbaeden and Koen De Graeve star.

The film was screened last Saturday. Afterwards the cast and crew cycled through the city naked.

The prize is awarded by a network of 3,000 art houses.

More Flemish success...

"Lost Persons Area" by Caroline Strubbe has won the Prix du Scénario for the best film script.

The movie tells the tale of a passionate couple who live together with their daughter in a plain covered with pylons.

Zoltan Miklos Hajdu, Kimke Desart, Sam Louwyck and Lisbeth Gruwez star.

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